explainer Help, we’ve been hacked! Part 2: the Privacy Act’s breach notification regime. Sam HartridgeApril 14, 2021No comments5 minute read
explainer Help, we’ve been hacked! Part 1: steps to contain a privacy breach Sam HartridgeMarch 25, 2021No comments5 minute read
case studies privacy litigation Privacy and domestic violence Sam HartridgeMarch 21, 2021No comments 5 shares 5 0 0 4 minute read
explainer Consumer data right: compliance and enforcement Sam HartridgeFebruary 26, 2021No comments2 minute read
updatesTrust without verifying? an initial reaction to the US Government’s Schrems II white paperSam HartridgeOctober 8, 2020No comments4 minute read
privacy litigationThe Schrems II decision and the future of Standard Contractual ClausesSam HartridgeAugust 28, 2020No comments3 minute read